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Fair Advisory Board


Routt County Fair Advisory Board (FAB) has an At - Large position open. The board is made up of nine volunteers appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. The FAB is a working board that coordinates, plans, prepares and produces of the annual Routt County Fair; makes recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners regarding the annual Fair operating budget; capital improvements and the prioritization of improvements at the fairgrounds, and updates to the fairgrounds master plan. Duties include event planning, event coordination, and fundraising.

The FAB DOES NOT coordinate 4-H activities, projects or programs. Attendance at meetings and the annual Fair is a priority. The board meets at 6pm on the second Wednesday of every month at alternating locations throughout the County (Hayden, Oak Creek, Steamboat).

Interested parties should complete the FAB application.

Applicants must be residents of Routt County. Questions? Please call 970-276-3068 or email

Fair Advisory Board Members

David Long, President (member since 2003)

Kody May (member since 2021)

Linda Long, Secretary (member since 1991)

Tina Decker, Treasurer (member since 2017)

Jeremy Decker (member since 2020)

Doug Wheeler (member since 2023)

not pictured: Ben Vannoy, (member since 2017) & Lynn Powell (member since 2015)

The Routt County Fair Advisory Board (FAB) plans and produces the annual Routt County Fair and advises the Board of County Commissioners on matters related to the Routt County Fairgrounds. The Board is comprised of nine volunteer members. All volunteers must reside in Routt County, one member from each Road district and six at-large members. Members serve three-year terms and may serve successive terms without limitation. The Colorado State University Extension program Agents and the Routt County FFA Chapter Advisor are non-voting ex-officio members.

Current Fair Advisory Board Members:
David Long, President
Kody May, Vice President
Linda Long, Secretary
Tina Decker, Treasurer
Ben Vannoy
Jeremy Decker
Lynn Powell

Doug Wheeler

FAB Meetings
The FAB meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:00pm. Meeting location is the exhibit hall at the fairgrounds in Hayden.

Guests are always invited and these meetings are open to the public. If you would like to be a guest at a Fair Board meeting and/or have an item for the agenda, please call Liz at 970-276-3068 or send an email to

FAB Meeting Information


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