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August 8 - 17, 2025
176 days Until The 2025 Routt County Fair
Home > ROUTT COUNTY FAIR 2025 > Routt County Fair History > General Rules, Regulations, & Information

General Rules, Regulations, & Information

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ADMISSION: Admission to the grounds is FREE. There is an admission charge for Camping, Concerts, Beer Garden and the Demolition Derby.

: NO bicycles, skateboards, scooters, hover boards or similar items on fairgrounds during the Routt County Fair.

DOGS: Dogs are allowed on the Routt County Fairgrounds during the fair with the following rules:
  • Must be under physical control of owner and on a leash no longer than 4 feet in length.
  • No dogs allowed in buildings or event staging areas with the exception of qualified ADA service animals and those participating in official Routt County Fair events while they are participating (i.e, Dress Your Animal Contest).
  • Owners MUST clean up after their dog immediately.
  • Dog must be current on all vaccinations with rabies tag displayed.
  • Dog must have a tag with owner identification and contact information.
  • No dogs in any of the Fairgrounds buildings or grandstands.
ALCOHOL & MARIJUANA: Possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages, marijuana, and any illicit drug is forbidden on the fairgrounds (excluding the wine & beer contest and any approved Beer Garden). Drinking, brawling and other misconduct in general on the part of the exhibitors shall be grounds for the Fair management to cause the exhibitor to forfeit all premium monies. 4-H/FFA members: 4-H has no tolerance for the possession or use of alcohol or other illegal drugs and the 4H/FFA alcohol policy will be enforced.

ELIGIBILITY: Participation in the Routt County Fair Home Arts Division is limited to Routt County residents (this includes part-time residents).

: Fair Advisory Board members, Routt County employees and Extension office employees, and anyone authorized by Fair Management are the only people allowed to operate any ATVs/UTVs during the Routt County Fair on the Routt County Fairgrounds.

: Fair management will exercise diligence, including the employment of special police to assure the safety of people, animals and exhibits. In no case will Routt County, the Routt County Fair Advisory Board, Fair Superintendents or Routt County Extension Office staff be responsible or liable for loss, damage or injury to any people or property on the fairgrounds. Exhibits will not be accepted subject to any conditions outlined by an exhibitor; completion of an entry by an exhibitor indemnifies Routt County and the Routt County Fair Advisory Board and its agents from any responsibility and/or legal proceedings resulting in claims of liability. Any animal deemed unruly or unsafe may be removed at the discretion of the Barn Superintendent, Species Superintendent and the CSU Extension office.

GROUNDS: Use of the fairgrounds and facilities during the Routt County Fair is supervised by the Routt County Fair Advisory Board. Exhibitors are responsible for cleaning stalls and show areas prior to the release of exhibits. Buildings and fences must be kept in repair by users who are responsible for removing refuse from the premises or placing it in dumpsters. Unless prior arrangements have been made, barn space must be vacant three days prior to opening of the Fair. No butt fans allowed. No generators allowed. ALL ELECTRICAL CORDS MUST BE OF APPROPRIATE SIZE AND LENGTH WITH NO SPLICES as determined by the Barn Superintendent or Fair Maintenance.

JUDGING: Any exhibitor, parent or individual who attempts to interfere with a judge or protests a decision in an unseemly manner will be excluded from competition, awards and premiums and may be escorted from the grounds. Since the Routt County Fair is designed to encourage competition and awards for quality displays, exhibitors and purchasers, the public has the right to expect quality behavior. 4H/FFA members must abide by the 4-H Code of Conduct and 4-H Alcohol Policy.

PREMIUMS: All Home Arts open class premiums may be picked up at the Exhibit hall on Sunday, August 18 from 2-6pm. Premiums not collected on Sunday without prior arrangements are forfeited. In the Home Arts department ONLY, blue ribbons will receive premiums of $1.

UNETHICAL LIVESTOCK PRACTICES: Exhibitors found guilty of any practice deemed unethical by Fair Management will forfeit all premiums and recognition and may be barred from current and future Fairs. Unethical practices include but are not limited to: drenching, icing, doctoring, doping or injecting show animals for body “fill-ins,” altering, changing, defacing or modifying the markings or anatomical structure of an animal, removing, altering or purposely damaging ear tags, applying external liniments and blistering agents which cause edematous conditions, using ice packs or other refrigerants to alter the quality of an animal’s finish. Animals may not be decorated with any unnecessary trappings during judging. Except for trimming or blocking, altering the color or structure of hair or wool coats is not permitted. With the exception of hoof dressing on hooves, grooming materials evident of artificial color, when rubbed with a cloth or glove, above the hock will automatically disqualify an entry. The use of non-animal approved products will warrant a disqualification. Colored adhesives and other animal approved products may only be used below the hock. Any animal with an artificial tail head or tail fin, artificial poll, or added hair or hair-like substance will be disqualified. Showing livestock of an ineligible age or unethically fitted is prohibited. Unsafe and/or ill animals will be sent home. If a member is in doubt of the use of a product consult most updated 4-H Member Handbook or the superintendent. Determinations and decisions of disqualification by the Show Committee are final.

GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES: In order to assure fairness, complaints and grievances must first go to the appropriate Department Superintendent. Issues that cannot be resolved by the Department Superintendent must be addressed through the Routt County Fair Grievance Procedure outlined below. All 4-H/FFA Show grievances must be addressed through 4-H/FFA administration, which can be found in the 2019 Member Handbook.
  • Contact the Fair Manager through the Fair office located in the Exhibit Hall.
  • File a written grievance with the Fair office in the Exhibit hall. Verbal and unsigned complaints will not be considered.
  • Fair manager will coordinate a meeting of the Competition Committee.
  • Grievances will be evaluated by the Competition Committee made up of three fair advisory board members and two ex-officio members.
  • Any person filing a written grievance has the option of making a personal presentation at a grievance hearing. Grievances will be evaluated in a timely manner however, because of time constraints during the annual fair, a decision may not be made until after fair.
  • Decisions of the Competition Committee are final.
FIRE PRECAUTIONS: Smoking is NOT allowed in or within 25 feet of any of the buildings. Visitors should make an effort to be aware of all marked exits and water faucets; keep electrical cords away from water and walkways and unplugged when not in use. Report conditions which may result in danger. When called, emergency will come down Poplar Street, enter the race track by the Exhibit hall and proceed to the affected area in an emergency. The extent of the fire personnel access to gates and safety of everyone must be considered if it becomes necessary to evacuate animals.

  • South side of outside arena is NO PUBLIC PARKING. This area is for people participating in the current event being held in the outdoor arena ONLY! Participants are allowed ONE vehicle only! Once the event is over, vehicles and trailers MUST be moved. All others are subject to tow at owner’s expense.
  • Outdoor Arena Event Participants: park on the south side of the arena.
  • Livestock/Horse trailers: should park along the fence on the north side of the fairgrounds.
  • Spectators: parking is available in the field on the east side of the multi-purpose building, west side of the exhibit hall or Dry Creek Park.
  • The west gate is open only to foot traffic.
  • Livestock exhibitors: are allowed to enter the livestock area to load and unload animals.
  • Home Arts exhibitors may load and unload on the west side of the Exhibit Hall.
  • No Parking on the Track
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